Nobody Don't Like Christmas

Nobody don't like Christmas!
It's the happy day dat everybody loves!
It's the snowflakes driftin' down
As the folks all over town
Are trimmin' trees and knittin' gloves!

Some people don't like Easter,
Or the Easter eggs the Easter bunnies bring
When the chocolate hits dere lips
It goes directly to dere hips,
And dey pack on ten pounds every spring!

But nobody don't like Christmas!
It's the time a year dat everyone adores!
It's holly-jolly everywhere,
Santa's downtown in the square,
And in all dem real high-class department stores!

Some people don't like New Years
December thirty-first's the night dey dread.
Dey may be blowin on noise-makers,
But dey're all a buncha fakers,
Cuz dey'd rather all be home asleep in bed!

But nobody don't like Christmas,
And it doesn't matter if yer young or old!
It's filled with color and surprise

As right before yer eyes
The world lights up in red, and green, and gold!

St. Valentine's Day is a day ya could hate
If ya ain't never been out on a date!
And the Fourth a July can be a real drag
If ya can't get no one ta salute yer flag!

But nobody don't like Christmas!
It's a time a peace, and love, and brotherhood!
Cuz when ya make peace with yer brudda,
And ya say, "I love ya, mudda!"
Santa Claus'll know dat you've been good!

Memorial Day is a day to forget,
And turkeys don't celebrate Thanksgivin yet!
St. Patrick's Day is dull, Arbor Day is borin',
And who wants ta go through all dat Yom Kippurin'?

But nobody don't like Christmas,
And I'll sing it from the top of every tree!
Yes, nobody don't like Christmas
I say nobody don't like Christmas
Nobody don't like Christmas...
..Except me!

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